Friday, March 1, 2013

C4K Summary for February

My first C4K is IBMurray05 and he is a 9th grade student in Mr. Cometti's class. The students were to post about their academic goals for the school year. In my response I praised him on his dedication to his studies.I let him know his ideas of doing a small amount of homework each night to help in procrastination inspired me. I told him to continue to do well and I shared the video on time management by Randy Paush.

In my second C4K I commented on Alyssa's blog, a second grader from Ontario, Canada. Alyssa is in Mrs. Balestrin's class and her post was on a sport she enjoyed playing called ringette. I had never heard of it so I asked her if it was similar to hockey. I explained to her it didn't get all that cold here like it does there. I told her it was great she liked to play sports, and that it kept her healthy and strong.

 My third C4K was with year two students in Mrs. Jenny's class. These students are from Auckland, New Zealand. They are just starting their school year so I wished them good luck! The two students I commented on was Kelly and Lucy. My comment included my well wishes for the new year, and I wished them good luck with learning how to blog.

In my final C4K I had a 10th grader named Lauren in Mrs. Martin's class. Lauren had to interview a classmate using video. I asked her how she liked blogging in school, and if she enjoyed interviewing her friend. I told her about my class and how we are learning to blog and  learning many more aspects of technology to incorporate in our classrooms one day.

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